Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Our New Commander...

Just today, I think, I saw this amazing video by Chris Hadfield, and his son Evan Hadfield...

I've been watching it today, wondering what about it intrigues me. Hadfield's voice is borderline... If this had been some major entertainment production...

But I think that's the point of it.

What isn't so striking about it is his voice.

What IS striking about it is his demeanour.

He looks at you dead centre. And he's cool to the core. Like, this is the soul of a Test Fighter Pilot. One who succeeded in his centre-most dream-in-life: to Command a Mission in Space. He says "This is my voice..." And that's it. He doesn't challenge; he doesn't threaten; he doesn't apologize; he just claims it.

So it's that cool centre... That ultimate self-acceptance... I think that's what's so amazing about this video.

It's as if he stepped into the world of emotion and challenged its many denizens to think of the world of science. He is a scientist who dares to step into the world of art... But he does it so well because he speaks from self-acceptance... He dares to heal the rift between the logical and irrational mind.

I think Hadfield is the kind of person who is a symbol for what people need now as leaders and heroes. He's a hero for our time... funny as that may sound.

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