Thursday, 9 April 2015

Reprint: How To Save Counter-Strike

I'm linking to an old article I posted on, more than 10 years ago, called How To Save Counter-Strike. It was, I dare say, first-rate business intelligence, and I also dare to say that Valve mined it for all of its worth. But I'll let you decide whatever for yourself (though it helps if you were around over the past 15 years of gaming to see how Valve, Counter-Strike and Steam evolved)...

Oh yeah, fair warning: it's a bit of a plug for my film SERVICES: The Counter-Strike Documentary. After all, I made it waaayyy before the wave of Youtube gaming videos began -- indeed, it was made before Youtube existed! Back then I had issues getting the release from Valve to broadcast that documentary. The flood of Youtube gaming videos that have since come out have paved the legal precedents for me to now upload SERVICES. I simply didn't have the energy or resources to do that legal work on my own (as a way-back-at-the-start-of-it-all pioneer).

I might also say it has shadows of autistic-spectrum stuff.... but anyway, if you don't like that, tough. (That's how I roll.)

Here's the link: